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Greater Dandenong Council Survey Results

The 2020 council elections are upon us, and with 67 different candidates in Greater Dandenong it's important to know where they stand on our local environment. We asked all candidates for their views, and have included all the results below so you can find out for yourself.

Last term Greater Dandenong came a long way in its embrace of environmental policies, with a Climate Emergency Declaration and the adoption of the long awaited and fairly comprehensive Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2030. But questions remain on which direction council will take after the upcoming election. SECAN put together a survey of some of the key environmental issues likely to come up in the next term so we could find out where candidates will lead Greater Dandenong in the next four years. 23 candidates responded.

For a broad overview of the results here's a write-up by Cam Lucadou-Wells in the Dandenong Star Journal.

But for those of you who want to dig into the data and find out where your individual candidate sits, we've got you covered.

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